Ayuntamiento Fustiñana Government Fustiñana Navarra

Address C / San Isidro nº 25 / Tfno- 948 840 974 / email: cipulgarcitos@hotmail.com

The Children's Early Childhood Education Center Pulgarcitos de Fustiñana, was inaugurated in September of 2009. It is a center of municipal ownership and indirect management.

The center has 72 places for children from 4 to 36 months. It is subsidized by the Government of Navarra and co-financed by the City of Fustiñana. This academic year 2014-15 the Center accommodates 40 children.

The team consists of: a director, 3 educators, a support educator, a cleaning assistant and a dining aide.

The Pulgarcitos Children's Center of Fustiñana is an educational service aimed at the population of 4 to 36 months.

It promotes the integral development of the child, using as a methodological basis the experiences, the activities and the game, in an atmosphere of affection and confidence in which the self-esteem and social integration of each child is strengthened.


The objectives it pursues are:

  • Generate spaces and times that foster creation, joy, responsibility and discovery.
  • Encourage basic patterns of coexistence and social relationship.
  • Encourage work and family reconciliation.
  • Promote cooperative and open relationships with families, so that they collaborate to the maximum in the growth and development of the children.
  • To carry out the teaching function in an open and flexible way
  • Encourage initiation in the English language.
  • Promote an active teaching, where the student and the student is the protagonist of the learning process and gaining confidence in their abilities, developing creativity and initiative.
  • Promoting equity, ensuring equal opportunities, educational inclusion, non-discrimination and compensation for personal, cultural, economic and social inequalities.
  • To achieve the full participation of the different sectors that form the educational community in the life of the Center.