Village in the south-east of the Felanitx township, between Calonge and Portocolom.

It was established in the 18th century when they built several houses in a part of the s'Horta Nova estate. The St. Isidore's Oratory was declared public in 1747, and in 1786 a larger oratory was consecrated.

Furthermore, the settlement of the "Ligorins of Felanitx", who opened a boys' school in 1870, the construction of public schools in 1880, the construction of a graveyard in 1881, and the foundation of a Franciscan Sisters' convent with a boys' school in 1886 are noticeable. In 1935 the vicarage became a parish.

The many defence towers are also remarkable: the one of Cas Saliner, the two of s'Horta Vella, the one of Vileta (Can Timoner), the one of Can Vela, the one of Can Bandas and the one of Can Marines (already in the Santanyí township).