In the past, the guilds used to collect money to cover the expenses of the feast of their patron saint. Therefore, the workmen went to collect (captar) and handed out devotional or holy cards to those who donated. The St. Martial community also employed musicians to accompany the fund-raising, setting their collection apart from the others in the town.

The oldest written evidence that suggests a musical accompaniment of this capta dates from 1842. From 1931 onwards, there were several interruptions and short-lived revivals, but by then the melody had become so popular, that people were singing the gigu-gigu song, rooted in the folk's memory.

In 2008, the music and the capta returned to the streets of Felanitx, perpetuating a part of our musical heritage and a tradition that, with a musical touch, marks a particular day in the festive calendar of Felanitx.