Changes in the regulation of worker / household
CHANGES in the regulation of worker / HOME
Among the many and varied rules adopted at the end of 2012, highlights the new amendment regarding employees / from home, a group that has been very important to many reforms in the past two years.
The latter is found in the Royal Decree Law 29/2012, of 28 December, which has introduced a couple of important innovations to improve the management and welfare of these workers.
Contribution base
To begin with, has been simplified by half, by 2013, the system stretches the scale of contributions set by Law 27/2011, of 1 August, which joined last year to employees / from home in the general scheme of Social Security by establishing a special system that regulates the particularities of this group.
All this in order to simplify and balance the contribution base in this particular system, the application has been considered too difficult to manage. The purpose of this reduction is also to improve the future performance of this group.
Stretch - Monthly remuneration increased with the proportion of bonuses € / month - Base price € / month
1 - Up from 172.05 to 147.86
2 nd - From 172.06 to 268.80 to 244.82
3rd - From 268.81 to 365.60 to 341.40
Rt 4 - From 365.61 to 462.40 to 438.17
5th - From 462.41 to 559.10 to 534.95
6th - From 559.11 to 655.90 to 631.73
7th - From 655.91 to 753.00 to 753.00
8th - From 753.01 to 790.65
What has not touched the contribution rate is initially planned to be the 22'90% 19'05% being paid by the employer and 3'85% by the employee. To quote apply to contingencies 1.10%, by sole employer.
Scheme liabilities
But the most significant development has been, without doubt, the ability to change the subject responsible for the fulfillment of the obligations of membership, high, low and variations of data workers, as well as the price. Or what is the same, be permitted, provided by agreement between employer and employee transfer this responsibility to the worker, as in the previous system.
This can not be provided, but only when the employee has a less than 60 working hours per month.
That is, if you work less than 60 hours per month for a family home (regardless of the number of hours they work in other homes), we can agree with the employer that the employee who is to take charge of Admission quotes; and must continue talking about the payment, not payment of fees, as the head of the family household spending will continue running with the corresponding for both common and professional contingencies, circumstances which will be detailed in receipt of salary is given to the employee.
In any case, the applications of high and low data changes must also be signed by their employers.
In these cases, for temporary disability, maternity, paternity, risk during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, the insurer which corresponding payment of the respective subsidy deducted from this the amount of all contributions to Social Security that is appropriate in these situations.
This ability to shift responsibility to the worker shall apply from 1 April 2013 with effect from the month following that communicate this fact to the TSS by a document signed by both parties, since the corresponding home employees regarding compliance obligations framing, contributions and fundraising.
As a counterpart to the transfer of this obligation, the employer may not apply the benefits to contributions that are applicable.
Choosing Mutual
The rule also provides that, if an agreement has been reached already explained in the previous section, workers will be required to cover the contingencies with the INSS or the Mutual of your choice unless their employers had already secured these contingencies with respect to other employees included in this special system, which correspond to the insurance coverage selected by the owner of the family home.
That is, unless the employer has at home and several workers are insured in a mutual concrete worker who will be able to choose another.