Ayuntamiento Fustiñana Government Fustiñana Navarra

Bus schedules, holiday calendar, phone taxis.

Bus stops are: Tudela, Station Square. Buñuel Marquee. Cabanillas, road (Church). Courts Road (marquee). Fontellas, Garage. Fustiñana, Bus Stop Ribaforada, Garage. TUDELA 6:30 DEPARTURE FROM THE PLAZA IS EUROPE
Note: All times are approximate, and depend on the bus travel has to do with the number of travelers in each town there.
* Check to Cabanillas, in the first hours of 00:15 and 1:15 the Fontellas / Cortes, Fustiñana Ribaforada and, in the second time 01:00 3:00.
When the bus is full and travelers stay at the stop, they should not leave the stop, as the bus will return to them.