The constuction of the church began in 1666 supervised by master builder Oliver. The nave, with seven chapels per side, is covered by a roman arc vault. The frontispiece consists of four corpuses separated by mouldings. The main gate is topped and crowned by an image of the Holy Motherof Consolation in high relief. In the upper part there is a large skylight and the right corner features is a sundial from 1798. The square bell tower located on the right side has seven sections marked by cornices and crowned by a balustrade and a pyramidal cusp. The right side of the facade features a monument dedicated to bishop Campins who was rector of Porreres from 1887 to 1893.

The artistic wealth ofthe church is outstanding and becomes manifest in the sculptures, paintings, embossments etc. as well as the liturgical furniture. Also worth mentioning is the organ of the 18th century located above the side portal, manufactured by master Luis Navarro. Meaningful in equal measure is the choir with sculptural stalls of 1447 with heraldic and biblic motifs consisting of twenty-two chairs from the convent of Sant Francesc in Palma, the work of Macià Bonafè. A further highlight is an interesting ensamble of goldwork with a processional cross from 1400, wrought by jeweller Antoni Oliva and considered as the best-crafted gothic piece among those preserved on Mallorca.